Our Team

„Men [and women] wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success.“

Sir Ernest Henry Shakleton (1874 – 1922) was a polar explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic. Don’t worry, we won’t send you to the Antarctic. Yet a Rocket Scientist needs the spirit of an explorer, someone with a relentless appetite and drive to succeed.

We have a restless drive to understand. Until the problem is known and fully understood, we don’t start working on solutions but keep asking those (annoying) questions. This is our philosophy.

Natalia Sokolova
passionate about Goethe’s Faust, physicist at heart
Jonathan Kakon
designs computer chips in his spare time
Marcellinus Meyer
will totally hold a TED talk on coffee
Albert Pavlik
if it's not math, it is
Maxime Volery, PhD
curious, intuitive and witty, prefers mayonnaise to ketchup
Simon Ospelt
he'll just fix it
Kathrin Hösli, COO
she'll eat you with a smile
Christian Frick, CTO & Founder
straight-out honest and interdisciplinary technical mastermind

Christian founded two schools in Switzerland (ffakustik.ch, ffton.ch) and is the chief expert for the profession of event technicians. He has been a member of the AES (Audio Engineering Society) for years.

Philippe Niquille, CEO
aviation loving tech nerd driving business

Philippe has an extensive background in aviation and co-invented a patent for active noise control in aircraft as well as in-ear vital sign sensing.


Are you interested to become a rocket scientist? See our jobs section.

Our promise

We turn complex scientific
challenges into novel
product dimensions
create added value.

Our work

Read about our projects in real-time signal processing in our success stories.

life is a time series

Fun fact: Life is a series of events, and analyzing these patterns can help us make better predictions, identify trends, and unlock innovation opportunities.